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Concept of logistics / Video

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Concept of logistics

Our main ware­house loc­ates in Dortmund with 5000 s.q.m. ca­pa­city. In our high bay rack­ing we have place for 7500 Euro­pallets. This en­ables us to meet your needs for large quant­ity. We provide Just-in-Time de­liv­ery while we use the Kan­ban or other sim­ilar sys­tems here without great in­put. With 14 over­load bridges we are able to load and un­load in large quant­ity. Thanks to this we guar­an­tee a shorter de­liv­ery time up to 24/48 hours for our sales com­pet­ence.

LFD: The main ware­house loc­ates in Dortmund with 5000 s.q.m. ca­pa­city.

For every com­pany there is an in­creas­ing cost bur­den of dis­posal. To re­duce it we have de­veloped multi-pack­aging solu­tions suit­able for our cus­tom­ers. Thanks to this we have re­duced not only com­pre­hens­ive costs, but also achieved en­vir­on­ment friendly res­ults.

We pos­sess one more ware­house avail­able for use in China, which is of 4000 s.q.m. ca­pa­city. Thanks to this we have ac­cess to your world wide loc­a­tions within even less time for de­liv­ery. It is more ad­vant­age­ous for you: through our lo­gistic part­ner the ad­di­tional doc­u­ment de­liv­ery is omit­ted. You re­ceive the goods just as we were on your side, sav­ing your time to tackle those more mean­ing­ful is­sues.