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according to DIN EN ISO 14001:2015

In order to set an important signal for the future, LFD has successfully introduced an environmental management system according to DIN EN ISO 14001:2015. Certification is complete. [ VIEW CERTIFICATE ]

This was about fulfilling the very extensive requirements of DIN EN ISO 14001:2015.

To explain it simply:

This standard is about the carbon footprint of LFD GmbH, about sustainability, environmental & climate protection, and reduction of CO2 emissions. Actually, these are the same requirements that we may have already set upon ourselves as private individuals, only these are transferred to companies in a controlled manner and certified, i.e. checked.

Some examples of the implemented measures and suggestions:

  • Residual waste reduction to a maximum of 10% (LFD is currently at 7%)
  • Collect and recycle materials
  • Reduction of energy consumption
  • Reduce hazardous substances
  • Reduction of emissions, waste and wastewater.
  • Saving of resources
  • Convert company fleet to electric vehicles
  • Switching off technical devices instead of standby
  • Install photovoltaic systems on the buildings
  • Consider energy efficiency when making new purchases
  • Paperless office landscape

Alignment with the United Nations SDGs

A highlight is the focus on the SDGs. 

These goals of sustainable development (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs) are political objectives of the United Nations (UN), which are intended to ensure sustainable development on an economic, social, and ecological level. LFD plans to join this program.

In July 2021, work began on further developing the entire management system at LFD (DIN EN ISO 9001:2015). The environmental management system according to DIN EN ISO 14001:2015 should now be included with the support of Optiqum GmbH, which is always available to advise LFD on these issues.

A detailed inspection on September 1st, 2021 resulted in a comprehensive action plan with over 50 points. In order to be able to implement the measures as best and as quickly as possible, an "environmental team" consisting of 5 employees from different departments was founded.

After many workshops, supported by our external consultants and the findings from the internal audit, the list has grown to over 100 items.

All employees performed the tasks related to certification for the environmental management system alongside their main job, which meant a significant additional effort.

Normally it takes roughly 1 year to set up and integrate a management system. In the case of the LFD Group, not quite 7 months were available for this.

During this time, the main task consisted of the following three "building blocks":

  • Revision/further development of the QM system
  • Integration of the locations Italy, Chile and USA into the processes
  • Construction / integration of a UM system into the existing QM system.

The certification as part of the QM (March 2022) applies to all locations, the same as part of the UM was then also certified in March 2022 for the Dortmund location. An outstanding achievement by everyone involved.

Part of the intensive work was a lot of training/instructions, updating of documents and additions of new documents and much more.

The biggest challenges were the scope of the necessary work (plan of action), the short time available—and very importantly—winning over the colleagues and taking them with us on this journey.

The certification has been successfully completed, which also means that all requirements have been met. It is now important and necessary not to lose sight of ongoing maintenance and further development. The optimization of measures will therefore be ongoing in memorium.