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Explanations for the abbreviations used in the tables:

1. Dimensions

d Nominal dimension of the bore diameter
D Nominal dimension of the outer diameter
B Nominal dimension of the outer ring width

2. Dimensional deviations

Δ dmp Deviation of the mean bore diameter from the nominal dimension
Δ Dmp Deviation of the mean outer diameter from the nominal dimension
Δ Bs Deviation of the inner ring width from the nominal dimension
Δ Cs Deviation of the outer ring width from the nominal dimension

3. Dimension variations

V dp Variation of the bore diameter in a radial plane
V dmp Variation of the mean bore diameter
V Dp Variation of the outer diameter in a radial plane
V Dmp Variation of the mean outer diameter
V Bs Variation of the inner ring width
V Cs Variation of the outer ring width

4. Concentricity tolerances

K ia Rundlauf des Innenrings (Radialschlag)
K ea Rundlauf des Außenrings (Radialschlag)